An Afternoon At Silver Lake

There's a place in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah called "Silver Lake." I've been going there since I was a young girl. It's a lovely location just 20 minutes from Salt Lake. There's a beautiful path that goes around the lake that is very accessible. It's a lovely place for a nature walk. This place became [...]

2018 Summer Recap

Okay y'all, to be honest I am not entirely sure where to start with this post. This is one of those "lifestyle" posts that I want to write as almost a little journal of sorts. But the thing is that when I look back on my summer and try to come up with all the [...]

One Year

One Year At A Glance My husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary today and it was lovely! So much has happened in our lives this year: We lived in 3 different apartments We moved twice while I was pregnant We got pregnant and had our baby We lived in two different cities We [...]

My Birth Story

It's high time I break my long silence. Hello everyone! Life has been so crazy. I feel like from one blog post to the next things were changing faster than I could write. And so I didn't! I put my blog on the back burner in order to navigate the major life changes that have [...]

Mormon Missionaries: Who They Are and Why You Should Let Them In

You've seen them walking and biking in your town. They knock on doors, talk to strangers in the street, approach people on the bus or subway. They're talkative, dressed up, fearless, and maybe a little weird? They can even be girls! And I was one of them. Who are they? These young men in white [...]

Theme Thursday: Christmas Time in Texas

I served an LDS mission in Dallas, Texas. For those of you who do not know what an LDS mission is, you can learn more about it here. As a young woman, your service is for a period of 18 months. The way my time lined up, I only spent one Christmas in the mission [...]

How To Put More Christ in Your Christmas

It has been a little while since I've done a "How To" post! You can read my last one here. Today I wanted to share a little bit about how you can have a more Christ centered Christmas this year. #LightTheWorld Each Christmas the church I attend launches an initiative to focus more on the [...]