Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Hello everyone! Lately I've been dealing with something new to me. It's a challenge that I am working to overcome and one that I am not used to dealing with. It all started when I was scrolling my Instagram one day, just six weeks before I had my son. I saw a cute girl who [...]

My Birth Story

It's high time I break my long silence. Hello everyone! Life has been so crazy. I feel like from one blog post to the next things were changing faster than I could write. And so I didn't! I put my blog on the back burner in order to navigate the major life changes that have [...]

25 Week Pregnancy Update

Hello again friends!! It's time (well, way past time) for a pregnancy update! A lot has happened and baby boy has grown so much in the last 4 weeks. Here's what's going on!   How big is baby? This week baby boy is as big as a head of cauliflower! I use two different pregnancy [...]