Ask Your Spouse Challenge

Hey everybody! I have a few new readers, so I thought I would do a little getting to know the blogger post. I asked Alex to answer the following questions about me and typed his first answer! It was a fun little activity to do together and some of his answers really made me laugh! [...]

An Afternoon At Silver Lake

There's a place in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah called "Silver Lake." I've been going there since I was a young girl. It's a lovely location just 20 minutes from Salt Lake. There's a beautiful path that goes around the lake that is very accessible. It's a lovely place for a nature walk. This place became [...]

2018 Summer Recap

Okay y'all, to be honest I am not entirely sure where to start with this post. This is one of those "lifestyle" posts that I want to write as almost a little journal of sorts. But the thing is that when I look back on my summer and try to come up with all the [...]

One Year

One Year At A Glance My husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary today and it was lovely! So much has happened in our lives this year: We lived in 3 different apartments We moved twice while I was pregnant We got pregnant and had our baby We lived in two different cities We [...]

My Birth Story

It's high time I break my long silence. Hello everyone! Life has been so crazy. I feel like from one blog post to the next things were changing faster than I could write. And so I didn't! I put my blog on the back burner in order to navigate the major life changes that have [...]

2017 Year in Review

This has easily been one of the most amazing, unexpected, stressful, and wonderful years of my life!! Here's a little month by month review to ring in the New Year!   January In a word: Unknown In a song: "(It's Gonna Be) Okay" by The Piano Guys In pictures: This is a group of Spanish [...]

How To Overcome Writer’s Block (and Keep a More Meaningful Journal)

Hello friends!! It is Wednesday which means it is the day for guides, how to's, and DIY's!! Today's topic is something I (clearly) enjoy, and can't wait to share with you. I really enjoy writing, and I think I do quite a bit of it between my blogging and my journaling. I am a pretty [...]